Wednesday, February 27, 2013

JJ Lin releases MV for his song '修煉愛情 Practice Love'

**UPDATED WITH MV!** Check out the ballad from his upcoming album (which comes out March 13!), Stories Untold below.

Monday, February 18, 2013

JJ Lin releases his new MV for '因你而在 You N Me'

JJ looks young as ever and has a lot of fun in this video. This song has really grown on me too! Check it out below.

Wanting Qu 曲婉婷

Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been really caught up in school work and all that jazz, and there haven't been that many outstanding releases in the Cpop world. Anyways I just "discovered" this artist recently and fell in love with her voice. Her English songs are really good as well! Check out my favorites below.

我的歌声里 Wo De Ge Sheng Li (You Exist In My Song)



承认 Cheng Ren (Admit)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Jay Chou 'Smiles' in his new MV

Check out his new MV below for his song 傻笑 (Smile) Featuring Cindy Yen.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

JJ Lin - 因你而在 You N Me [NEW SINGLE]

The audio is out for JJ Lin's new song off of his 10th album Stories Untold. This song is not what I expected after his powerful ballad 'Never Learn' however I think it will grow on me. The english verses near the end of the song are pretty good though. Can't wait to hear more from his new album. Check out the upbeat song below along with the promo video!